When Bill Compton emerged from the puddle of blood a new man with new long, sharp, pointy fangs, I didn't know what to think.
I still don't.
Where is my handsome Southern gentleman caller? I loved Original Bill. He was everything you'd want in a lover -- kind, gentle, considerate and a vampire.
I loved that no matter what or who Sookie was doing, you knew Bill had her back.
Now he wants her back, perhaps as an appetizer.
I hoped all season long that Bill was playing a deep game. I thought he probably was faking being a sanguinista, infiltrating them to stop their plot to become the master race.
Now, I'm troubled. After symbolically drinking the kool-aid, he drank the kool-aid for real, with vamp-changing results.
I am curious whether Bill will be able to shower off the viscera and put on regular clothes, or if now he can only appear by special appointment and clad only in blood. Ugh.
Perhaps like a baby vamp, right now he is orienting himself to his new powers (if he has any new ones) and will become a little more Regular Bill-like as time passes.
I hope he becomes a gentle ruler of all vampires, not a vicious, bloodthirsty and bordering-on-insanity vamp.
Poor Sookie. All this time she thought she had a Vamp-in-Shining-Armor as her neighbor. Now, for all she knows, she has Vlad the Impaler.
All that said, I refuse to call him the nickname that sprang up about the same time he did.
Think I'll just call him Bill 2.0.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Fangover Day 9: Ah, Sookie
Considering the other four seasons of "True Blood," Sookie Stackhouse had a relatively quiet few days in Season 5.
It did literally start with a bang. Two bangs in fact. The first went to Tara's head as she threw herself in front of Sookie in one of most selfless acts I've ever seen.
The second was the shot that killed Debbie Pelt, one that I thought was long overdue.
I was surprised Pam showed up and not Eric or Bill, but as I said before, they were snuggled in the trunk of a car headed to Authority Central.
Sookie and Lafayette had to do some serious begging to persuade Pam to turn Tara, and after some skillful negotiating, Pam agreed to turn Tara for a favor to be named later.
Sookie's relief at Tara's rising as a vamp was short lived as Tara took one enhanced sniff of her best friend and decided she would make a great first meal.
Pam's quick moves saved Sookie from being a snack, but our girl soon realized she would need to find a new bestie.
Lafayette stuck around for a day or two to help her cope and clean, but he was one of the next people to tell her what a dangerous friend she was to have.
Yes, our Hookah was grieving for both Jesus and his cousin, but I don't think he needed to be quite so cruel to Sookie, because she had lost a former lover, a current lover and a best friend in less than 24 hours.
I think her decision to get drunk was long overdue, and Alcide dropping by was a nice distraction and a chance for her finally to have some kind of physical relationship with someone, well, who was not a "dead boy."
It was a real pity her stomach and Eric and Bill all contrived to ruin that idea, and fast.
I considered the hangover she must have been nursing while trying to deal with her pet vampires, and don't blame her for practically screaming at them, "It must be Thursday."
She didn't have much to do in a couple of episodes that focused mainly on the Authority, Lafayette's trip to Mexico, Jason and Jessica's relationship, Terry's wild ride and Russell and Steve's Excellent Adventure.
Her real-life pregnancy made it necessary for us to see less of her, and that allowed so many other characters to get a bit more screen time, but while we might not have seen her, she was busy in the background doing things for others.
Personally, after this season, I wish she could have a bit of rest. I realize most of the folks in Bon Temps think she had a year-long vacation while she was in Faery, but she didn't get any down time.
She has a lot of information to process right now, and probably not much time to do it.
She seemed quite surprised to see Tara and Pam kiss, but by then she was pretty shocky. Her brother has a head injury and while Sook doesn't realize he's seeing and talking to his parents, she knows he's a bit more vacant than usual.
Probably the biggest shock for our girl is what has happened to Bill. I think she always believed that Bill would love her forever, no matter what he said, but after his spectacular parlor trick of rising from a pile of goo with some pretty bitchin' fangs, she's not so sure.
Eric, who at the beginning of the season had written Sookie off, saw he might still have a chance with her and got her out of the room as fast as he could, but the new-and-perhaps-improved Bill may be faster.
It's a bit disheartening to believe that for the next nine months in True Blood time, Sookie is running.
I hope she's not too exhausted when Season 6 kicks off next year.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Fangover Day 8: Arlene and Terry and Andy, Oh My!
This year, the main focus of True Blood was vampire business to
the point nearly everyone else's business focused on it too.
There were
exceptions, and we're peeking in on those today.
I thought Terry
and Arlene's story line this year was
stupid. Why did Rene even show up at the end of last season? She paid no
attention to that Halloween visit and welcomed Patrick with open arms, even
when Terry clearly was not glad to see him.
Patrick's role was
pretty much a place holder so Terry and Arlene, perhaps the only happily
married couple in Bon Temps, could have their own story line, miss each other
and take right up with their lives next season.
We all knew Terry
has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but we didn't know why. Seeing Patrick
brought back both those memories and his terrible mental state.
A slaughter in an
Iraqi village was no big plot surprise
until one victim cursed the soldiers who shot her.
She calls up in Ifrit, an Arabian fire monster, to stalk and kill them..
I’ll give them that. The Ifrit was cool.
Terry’s road trip was a waste of plot time we’ll never get back,
and the lone soldier in the Dakotas was only there to be Ifrit food.
Arlene though, had a better season. She knew something was wrong,
really wrong with her husband and started asking for help – first Holly, then
Wasn’t the séance great?
Patrick got a big dose of “Damn
it’s real!” and Terry, who had already accepted his death, got a chance to
redeem himself when Lafayette channeled the Iraqi woman.
His apology, while it didn’t fix everything right away, got Terry
the forgiveness he needed, but with one caveat. He had to kill Patrick.
We all know what happened next. I’m glad Arlene had the gumption
to fight for Terry and her children herself, giving Terry the courage to do what needed to be done to Patrick and get his life on track for the first time in a long time.
It’s all sunshine-and-roses between Terry and Arlene now but I’m
thinking they won’t be having any more kids right now.
Surprisingly, Andy Bellefleur will be the one on Daddy Duty.
His night with Murella and the ET-like finger touch cost the
sheriff dearly, though that birth scene was much needed comic relief. Like
everyone else, I think if we orgasmed while
giving birth, there would be a lot more people on this planet.
I’m not clear that all four babies are girls. I’d like to think
there are two boys in the mix. Whatever, Andy will have his hands full and a whole lot of explaining to his
grandmother when he brings those bundles of joy home.
We can only hope those half-fairy babies will grow up at super
speed and they’ll be school age in no time. And, even if they are telepathic, I
don’t think Sookie is going to start a career as a tutor.
And it can’t have been only me, but I wonder
when Chris Bauer started working out, because wasn’t he a buff boy this year? Perhaps
it was knowing he had to do a nude scene at last. Sunday, September 2, 2012
Fangover Day 7: Lafayette and ...
When Marnie-as-Lafayette killed Jesus, I was mad.
Finally, our favorite Merlotte's cook and medium found his true love and that bitch took him away.
In "True Blood's" first episode of Season 5, I honestly thought Lafayette might not make it through.
I loved Gran's return from the grave and her taking care of Marnie, but the shell of Lafayette was so weak. Then, when his cousin is shot by that bitch Debbie Pelt, well it was almost more than a man could stand.
I was glad Pam agreed to turn Tara, because it gave Lafayette a chance to want to live. That long night, waiting to see if Tara would awaken in a new life, was a bad one for our boy.
And, when he decided to clean up and reached for that razor...
I like Lafayette's new look, and after he preached at Sookie about leaving a trail of dead bodies in her wake, I still was a bit worried.
I think everyone was scared when he started doing strange things around Merlotte's kitchen and actually tried to kill our favorite telepathic/fairy/waitress. It certainly scared him.
His haring off to Mexico to discover what was happening to him was a misstep in the season I think, but I was glad to see the poor pregnant wife take her husband out before he could do any more damage.
I like to think Jesus will visit Lafayette from time to time, because after the last visit, we got our swaggering, bodacious, gayer-than-gay Lafayette back.
It was like Springtime to see him return with his glittery makeup and outfits, that smart mouth going ninety-to-nothing and his swagger, and totaly bad-assness intact.
The season finale brought it all home.
First, he changed the tunes playing in the club to a much more jazzy blues, and I agree it was a welcome change from that redneck music we generally hear.
When he came out with Cajun Margaritas and a pithy play-by-play of Maurella's delivery of a litter of fairettes with the equally funny Arlene, you could tell he was in a better place.
Has he found some kind of inner peace at last? That being said, what will next season bring?
I have an idea.
There is a Gay-American-Vampire on the run right there in the neighborhood. He doesn't know many people in the neighborhood and most of the ones he knows are down in New Orleans with a newly-risen Bill at the Authority.
Yes, Steve Newlin would be just the thing for Lafayette.
Lafayette has a history of doing bad things with vamps. He has no problem either using or selling "V," and Steve could use a little more soul, don't you think?
I do hope they let these two fabulous men hook up. Can you see the fun they'd have and I'd give a lot of cash to see Steve's face when he got a look at all the religious icons inisde Lafayette's house.
'Nuff said. Bring it on.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Fangover Day 6: Pam and Tara: I called it: "Hell on Wheels"
During the pre-season "Fangathon," I made some predictions about what would happen during Season Five of "True Blood."
The one I was happiest about was thinking Pam and Tara would wind up together and would be "Hell on Wheels."
It took all 12 episodes to get them there, but the season finale gave us what we wanted -- a hot, steamy kiss between Tara and Pam.
Let's look back over their stormy relationship these past 12 episodes.
Pam did Sookie and Lafayette a big favor by turning Tara, and her warning of Tara turning into a "Fucktarded" vampire was not even her best line.
I will always remember her dressed in one of Sookie's sweatsuits from Wal-Mart, taking one for the team as she went to ground with her new child.
I loved how, even though she tried to keep up the tough as nails exterior, Pam was kind to Tara from the beginning, soothing her in every way she knew how except sexually. She got Tara willing donors and one bitch of a woman who was mean to Tara became her slave.
They shared "dinner" that night, but Pam made sure Tara didn't make more of it than intake of needed calories.
I enjoyed seeing Tara dressed in some seriously hot outfits. She looked the best I've ever seen her, even though she could not believe she found herself behind a bar again, this time at Fangtasia, working for her Maker.
After Eric released Pam, I think Pam cherished Tara even more, though it was hard for her to admit it. Since they didn't part on any sort of bad terms, I know Eric will be back around the bar when he can, and I look forward to the interplay between the Viking and his grandchild. Yeah, Eric's her grand-maker.
Tara, at first so angry at becoming the thing she hated most, started to enjoy her new-found powers and her growing attraction to her Maker.
What's not to love about Pam? She always looks hot (even in yellow sweats), gets all the best lines and keeps her kick-ass attitude front and center at all times.
When the new Area Five Sheriff showed up and started extorting money from Pam, Tara didn't hesitate.
She took action.
Uttering one of my season-favorite lines: "I don't know nothing about birthing no vampire babies," she beheaded the sheriff.
As a total aside, I totally loved the outfit Pam was wearing when she took the blame for the sheriff's death and was arrested by Rosalyn. The waist cincher was too, too cute, and Pam looked great in it, even lying in a prison cell.
When Tara and Sookie showed up in the Authority prison to free them, watching Tara go into action was wonderful.
She finally, fully inhabited her role as vampire and accepted that Sookie and Lafayette did her a favor by getting her turned rather than letting her die, though she did not let Sookie forget for one second that she owed Pam.
When Tara grabbed the silver door of Pam's jail cell and grabbed Pam, all wishes were granted.
Tara got a real kiss from her Maker, Pam realized that Tara could be "The One" and kissed her right back. Sookie's debt to Pam was retired and for a split second, all was right in the world.
Heaven knows what will happen in 9 months, when Season 6 kicks off, but I think "Hell on Wheels" is on.
The one I was happiest about was thinking Pam and Tara would wind up together and would be "Hell on Wheels."
It took all 12 episodes to get them there, but the season finale gave us what we wanted -- a hot, steamy kiss between Tara and Pam.
Let's look back over their stormy relationship these past 12 episodes.
Pam did Sookie and Lafayette a big favor by turning Tara, and her warning of Tara turning into a "Fucktarded" vampire was not even her best line.
I will always remember her dressed in one of Sookie's sweatsuits from Wal-Mart, taking one for the team as she went to ground with her new child.
I loved how, even though she tried to keep up the tough as nails exterior, Pam was kind to Tara from the beginning, soothing her in every way she knew how except sexually. She got Tara willing donors and one bitch of a woman who was mean to Tara became her slave.
They shared "dinner" that night, but Pam made sure Tara didn't make more of it than intake of needed calories.
I enjoyed seeing Tara dressed in some seriously hot outfits. She looked the best I've ever seen her, even though she could not believe she found herself behind a bar again, this time at Fangtasia, working for her Maker.
After Eric released Pam, I think Pam cherished Tara even more, though it was hard for her to admit it. Since they didn't part on any sort of bad terms, I know Eric will be back around the bar when he can, and I look forward to the interplay between the Viking and his grandchild. Yeah, Eric's her grand-maker.
Tara, at first so angry at becoming the thing she hated most, started to enjoy her new-found powers and her growing attraction to her Maker.
What's not to love about Pam? She always looks hot (even in yellow sweats), gets all the best lines and keeps her kick-ass attitude front and center at all times.
When the new Area Five Sheriff showed up and started extorting money from Pam, Tara didn't hesitate.
She took action.
Uttering one of my season-favorite lines: "I don't know nothing about birthing no vampire babies," she beheaded the sheriff.
As a total aside, I totally loved the outfit Pam was wearing when she took the blame for the sheriff's death and was arrested by Rosalyn. The waist cincher was too, too cute, and Pam looked great in it, even lying in a prison cell.
When Tara and Sookie showed up in the Authority prison to free them, watching Tara go into action was wonderful.
She finally, fully inhabited her role as vampire and accepted that Sookie and Lafayette did her a favor by getting her turned rather than letting her die, though she did not let Sookie forget for one second that she owed Pam.
When Tara grabbed the silver door of Pam's jail cell and grabbed Pam, all wishes were granted.
Tara got a real kiss from her Maker, Pam realized that Tara could be "The One" and kissed her right back. Sookie's debt to Pam was retired and for a split second, all was right in the world.
Heaven knows what will happen in 9 months, when Season 6 kicks off, but I think "Hell on Wheels" is on.
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