Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 18: I Wanna Do Bad Things With You

Every time I hear Jace Everett breathe those opening words, "When you came in the air went out," my heart starts to race and my mind runs towards all the possibilities of what I'll be seeing for the next hour or so.
"I wanna do bad things with you."
Oh yeah, baby.
I'd love to know who first thought of this cut for the opening credits of "True Blood." It's simply brilliant. While the fast-cuts and bizarre images flash by, I love that baritone voice implying all kinds of nasty treats in store for me.
Think of what we've seen so far.
Bill seducing an innocent Sookie. He's the first man who has seriously paid attention to her where she had no idea of what would happen next. When she said, "Yes" to him, she gave herself to him utterly, body and blood.
Eric, seeing Bill has someone strangely and utterly beguiling on his arm when Sookie makes her first visit to "Fangtasia," becomes another willing victim to Sookie's fey charm. He begins plotting to get Sookie at that second.
Eric gets some blood into Sookie in a devious way, using guilt as a weapon after he saves her life in the explosion at Godric's house.
Yes, Eric, that's a "Bad Thing."
 My all-time favorite "True Blood" scene is Sookie's erotic dream featuring Eric. After some wonderful pillow talk, my to-this-day favorite line of the series comes.
"I am a darling."
Oh Miss Stackhouse, you surely are.
Her wiles go farther than vampires, as we all know.
 Sam was sweet on her for years.
 Alcide would have succumbed but their timing has always been off. Still, they show a lot of his wereskin, and oh my, what dirty little thoughts float through my head.
 The Season 4 scene with naked Eric and Alcide nearly hyperventilated me.
Now, that's truly bad, and I loved every second of it.
Didn't you?
"I don't know who you think you are but before this night is through I wanna do bad things with you.
I wanna do real bad things with you."

Yum, Season 5 here I come.

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