Had the radio on in my car the other day and there it was, the fuzzy guitar, driving bass and the steady drumbeats that create ZZ Top's up-way-too-ate-drinking anthem, "Cheap Sunglasses." It made me think, as I sang along with it at the top of my voice, that vampires, like sunglasses, come in two classes.
Depending on who's writing, how old the book or movie is, those creatures who subsist on blood are either filthy, skeevy, nasty critters who would just as soon rip your throat to pieces as not, or they are spectacuarly beautiful, dressed in the latest edgy fashion and sip their red nectar through discreet bitemarks in a hard-to-see places.
Well, Bill didn't do that the first time he tasted Sookie, so for that he gets some cheap sunglasses. He knew then he could have "erased" those telltale fanghole-hickies with little effort on his part, but maybe it was part of his plot to show "Sookie is mine!"
Eric doesn't leave those marks on Sookie, nuh uh. Designer shades for that cool cat. He plays his cards close to his chest, letting Sookie think she had some choice in the manner.
Pam probably has a room full of designer sunglasses to go with those amazing clothes she wears. Still, every once in a while (especially when she's had enough of some snotty blood bag at Fangtasia), she'll rip out her cheap shades and go to town.
Franklin never owned a decent pair of sunglasses. He bought his in the bargain bin at Big Lots. Look at how he savaged Tara over and over. No class, crappy glasses.
Nan probably has glasses that look like rhinestone shades, but her's are probably bought on a street vendor's table in New York City. Looks good for a day or two, then they fall apart, sort of like her plans to wreak havoc in Louisiana's Area Five.
Humans, thank heaven, don't have this pressing problem. If they're hungover, they go to the Grabbit Kwik and get some dark lens sunglasses, a sports drink and aspirin and then take their drive of shame home, where they can lie in the dark and swear they won't drink again.
I don't think there is anyone rich enough in Bon Temps (except Bill) who could afford a real pair of designer sunglasses--but I'm betting the Grabbit Kwik has a few pair of rhinestone shades for the more adventurous in town --Arlene and LaFayette come to mind.
I loved Franklin Mott though <3 seriously insane